Scala: One more step forward

Hi all,

In two previous posts, I have guided you to prepare the environment, install IDE, and some basic of Scala. You can refer to the first part here, or the second part here

Today, I write the second part of Scala, focus on Arrays, Lists, Maps And Classes

Please note that the original tutorials:



  1. Arrays construct
    Array(element1, element2, ...)
  2. You can declare type of Array like

  3. To print nicely an Array’s content

  4. Arrays are mutable (can’t change it’s size once created, but can modify it’s elements)
  5. Array elements can be of any type

        class Foo(val value1:Int)
        class Bar(value1:Int, val value2:Int) extends Foo(value1)
        val list:Array[Foo] = Array(new Foo(1), new Bar(2,3))


  1. Write function that print Array elements

      def printArray(array:Array[Int]) = println(array.mkString("Array(" , ", " , ")"))
      // Mutable array of type Array[Int]
      val array1 = Array(1, 2, 3) 
      printArray(array1)//>Array(1, 2, 3)
      // Mutable array of type Array[String]  
      val array2 = Array("a", "b", "c")
      // Mutable array of type Array[Any]
      val array3 = Array("a", 2, true)
  2. Array index

      val array4 = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
      array4(0) = 6
      println(array4.indexOf("3")) // -1
      println(array4.indexOf(3)) // 2
  3. Concatenation
    // Concatenation using the ++ operator,   
    // Prepending items using +: and appending using :+    
      val concatenated = 1 +: (array1 ++ array4) :+ 2
  4. Diff
    val diffArray = Array(1,2,3,4).diff(Array(2,3))
  5. Contains

      val A = Array((1,2),(3,4))
      println(A contains (1,2))
  6. And many, many other APi you can find on Scala site:



  • Construct

    List(element1, element2, ...)
  • List elements can be of any type

    class Foo(val value1:Int)
    class Bar(value1:Int, val value2:Int) extends Foo(value1)
    val list:List[Foo] = List(new Foo(1), new Bar(2,3))
  • Reference:
  • The default List is implemented as a Linked list
  • It is immutable (any “changes” craete a new list, the original is untouched)


  1. Declare Immutable List

    //Immutable list of type List[Int]  
    val list1 = List(1, 2, 3) // list1 = List(1, 2, 3)  
    //Immutable list of type List[Any]  
    val list2 = List("a", 2, true) // list2 = List(a, 2, true)  
    def printIntegerList(list:List[Int]) = println(list.mkString("List(" , ", " , ")"))
  2. Mutable list

      import collection.mutable
      //the "mutable version" of List
      val mlist = mutable.ArrayBuffer("a", "b", "c")
      def printStringList(list:mutable.ArrayBuffer[String]) = println(list.mkString("String List(" , ", " , ")"))
  3. Using (index)
    val firstItem = list1(0) // firstItem = 1  
    //Modify items the same way  (mutable Lists only)    
    mlist(0) = "d"    
  4. Concatenation

    // using the ++ operator or ::: (lists only)  
    list1 ++ list2 // List(1, 2, 3, a, 2, true)  
    list1 ::: list2 // List(1, 2, 3, a, 2, true)  
    //Prepending an item using either :: (lists only) or +:  
    0 :: list1 // List(0, 1, 2, 3)  
    0 +: list1 // List(0, 1, 2, 3)  
    //appending an item using :+ (not efficient for immutable List)  
    list1 :+ 4 // List(1, 2, 3, 4)  
    //all together  
    val concatenated = 1 :: list1 ::: list2 ++ mlist :+ 'd' // concatenated = List(1, 1, 2, 3, a, 2, true, d, b, c, d)  
    //concatenation doesn't modify the lists themselves     
    list1 // List(1, 2, 3) 
  5. Access elements
    //Removing elements (mutable list only, creates a new array):  
    //creates a new array with "c" removed, mlist is not touched  
    mlist - "c" // ArrayBuffer(d, b)  
    //creates a new array with e, f removed, mlist is not touched  
    mlist -- List("e", "f") // ArrayBuffer(d, b, c)  
    //mlist not modified  
    mlist // ArrayBuffer(d, b, e, f, g)  
    //Removing elements (mutable Lists only):   
    //removes c from the list itself  
    mlist -= "c" // ArrayBuffer(d, b, e, f, g)  
    mlist // ArrayBuffer(d, b, e, f, g)  
    //removes e and f from mlist itself  
    mlist --= List("e", "f") // ArrayBuffer(d, b, e, f, g)  
    mlist // ArrayBuffer(d, b, e, f, g)  
    //Adding elements (mutable Lists only)   
    mlist += "e" // ArrayBuffer(d, b, e, f, g)  
    mlist ++= List("f", "g") // ArrayBuffer(d, b, e, f, g)  
    mlist //ArrayBuffer(d, b, e, f, g) // ArrayBuffer(d, b, e, f, g)  
    val diffList = List(1,2,3,4) diff List(2,3) // diffList = List(1, 4) 



  • Maps are constructed simply using Map(key1 -> value1, key2 -> value2, …)
  • The default Map is Predef.Map which points to scala.collection.immutable.Map
  • You can’t have duplicate keys, adding a key value pair whose key already exists, overwrites the value
  • Order of iteration is not guaranteed to be consistent


  1. Immutable Construction
    val map1 = Map("one" -> 1, "two" -> 2, "three" -> 3)   
    //Map of type Map[String, Int]  
    val map2 = Map(1 -> "one", "2" -> 2.0, 3.0 -> false)   
    //Map of type Map[Any, Any]  
  2. Mutable Construction

    import collection.mutable  
    val mmap = mutable.HashMap("a" -> 1, "b" -> 2 , "c" -> 3)   
    //the "mutable version" of Map  
  3. Cannot duplicate key

    //Maps remove duplicate keys:  
    println(Map("a" -> 1, "a" -> 2)) //Map(a -> 2)  
  4. Access Items

    val one = map1("one") 
    //NoSuchElementException will be thrown if key doesn't exist!  
    //e.g. this code: val fourExists = map1("four")   
    //throws NoSuchElementException: key not found: four  
    //the get method returns an Option, which will be explained later  
    val fourExistsOption = map1.get("four")  
    println(one) // 1  
    println(fourExistsOption.isDefined) // false  
    //You can set / modify items using map(key) = value  
    mmap("d") = 4   
    println(mmap) //Map(b -> 2, d -> 4, a -> 1, c -> 3) 
    //Removing elements (mutable Sets only)  
    mmap -= "c"  
    println (mmap) //Map(b -> 2, d -> 4, a -> 1)  
    //Adding elements (mutable Lists only)  
    mmap += "e" -> 5  
    mmap ++= Map("f" -> 6, "g" -> 7)  
  5. Concatenation

    //Concatenation using the ++ operator   
    //(removes duplicate keys, order not guaranteed)  
    val concatenated = map1 ++ map2 ++ mmap  
    // Map(three -> 3, 1 -> one, two -> 2, a -> 1, b -> 2, 3.0 -> false, 2 -> 2.0, c -> 3, one -> 1, d -> 4)  
    //Concatenation doesn't modify the maps themselves   
    println(map1) //Map(one -> 1, two -> 2, three -> 3)  
  6. Find elements

    val personMap = Map(("Alice",1), ("Bob",2), ("Carol",3))  
    def findByName(name:String) = personMap.getOrElse(name, 4)  
    val findBob = findByName("Bob")  
    val findEli = findByName("Eli")  
    println(findBob) //2  
    println(findEli) //4  



  • The class body, is also the default constructor’s implementation
  • Automatic getters are generated for the class parameters defined using val

    class Person(val name:String) //generates a private `name` variable, and a getter with the same name  
  • Automatic getters and setters are generated for class parameters defined using var

    class Person(var name:String) //generates a private name variable, a getter and a setter with the same name 
  • Everything is public by default unless explicity declared otherwise


//Simple class that does nothing   
class Person(fname:String, lname:String)  
val p1 = new Person("Alice", "In Chains")  
//p1.fname / lname is not accessible  

//A class with a method  
class Person2(fname:String, lname:String){  
  def greet = s"Hi $fname $lname!"  
val p2 = new Person2("Bob", "Marley")  
//p2.fname / lname is not accessible  

//A class with a public read only variable   
class Person3(fname:String, lname:String){  
  // a public read only field   
  val fullName = s"$fname $lname"   
  def greet = s"Hi $fullName!"  

val p3 = new Person3("Carlos", "Santana")  
//p3.fname / lname is not accessible  

//auto creates a getter for fname, and getter + setter to lname  
class Person4(val fname:String, var lname:String)  

val p4 = new Person4("Dave", "Matthews") {  
  //override the default string representation   
  override def toString = s"$fname $lname"   
//lname is defined as var, so it has a setter too  
p4.lname = "Grohl"  

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