Scala: From Zero to Algorithms
Introduction Hi all, In previous post, I have guided you to prepare the environment, install IDE, and write first Hello World Scala application using IntellJ....
Scala: First step to move on!
Hi everyone! Today I am going to help you, especially for developers who use Ubuntu as working OS, get start with Scala: install, create first...
[CakePHP] Unit Testing JavaScript using QUnit and JScoverage
How to run Unit Tests on JavaScript code in CakePHP? Introduction As developers, we’re taught the importance of testing right from the beginning. Testing...
Advanced XSS methods and how to prevent – part 1
“Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of computer security vulnerability typically found in Web applications. XSS enables attackers to inject client-side script into Web pages viewed by other users. A cross-site scripting vulnerability may be...
Jasmine jQuery
We’re doing a lot of jQuery based development, while Jasmine by design tries to stay DOM agnostic. It is not that big problem, as Jasmine...
Một vài Best Practices khi thiết kế Database
Khi thực hiện một dự án Web Application, việc đầu tiên chúng ta hay nghĩ đến là việc thiết kế database làm sao cho hợp...
Swift: An Introduction
Khái quát Swift là một ngôn ngữ lập trình mới được Apple trình diễn ở sự kiện WWDC 2014. Nó được Apple giới thiệu như...
Android Performance Tips
Summary I read bellow tips from Google site. These are not special tips but they are useful. When i started in Android, i didn’t read and...
Go SPA with AngularJS – Part 1: Simple comment form
In this article i will show you first look at AngularJS by create an simple Comment box Application. To knowing what is AngularJS, let’s take...
Có thể bạn chưa biết (PHP)
Bài blog này dùng để giới thiệu/chia sẻ một số thủ thuật/ câu lệnh php mà có thể mọi người không để ý hoặc không...
Khái quát SQL injection
I – SQL injection là gì? SQL injection là một kỹ thuật cho phép những kẻ tấn công lợi dụng lỗ hổng của việc kiểm tra...
Design Principles
* Đây là bài dịch lại theo ý hiểu của tác giả từ trang oodesign. Software Design Principles là gì? Software Design Principles đưa...
Testing JavaScript Using the Jasmine Framework
Intro to Testing. Testing is useful for a number of reasons. First, these tests can evaluate a program’s correctness after a change. These tests can...
Build a full RSS crawling system using cURL & PhpQuery
In this post, i will show you how to create a simple PHP rss crawler system using cURL, Google feed API and phpquery. What’s...
Overview of Twitter Bootstrap 3 & Grid System
Bootstrap is a front-end toolkit open sourced by Twitter which provides flexible HTML, CSS, and JavaScript-based design templates, a variety of UI components and interactions for...