Category: SQA

Kanban: Next Moves from Scrum

Summary/Tổng kết Bài viết sau nói về lý do, cách tiến hành chuyển đổi khung làm việc từ Scrum sang Kanban đối với dự án...

Business Rules & Use Story in Agile/Scrum

Overview/Giới thiệu Blog này ghi lại một số nhận định và sự liên quan giữa business rule (BR) và user story (US) kèm theo một...

Overview of automation testing

Software testing is an activity very important role in the projects of software to ensure product quality and the activities that are vital. Today, with...

How to write good Test Cases ?

Every tester writes test cases however many times the test cases are rejected by reviewers because of bad quality, in order to write good test...

Jasmine jQuery

We’re doing a lot of jQuery based development, while Jasmine by design tries to stay DOM agnostic. It is not that big problem, as Jasmine...
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