Tản mạn về nghề BSE

Với sự phát triển của nền khoa học kỹ thuật như hiện nay thì số lượng các công ty IT nước ngoài đầu tư vào...

Play Framework: Accessing an SQL Database

Hi all, As you know, Play is an open source web application framework, written in Scala and Java, which follows the model–view–controller (MVC) architectural pattern....

Scala: One more step forward

Hi all, In two previous posts, I have guided you to prepare the environment, install IDE, and some basic of Scala. You can refer to...

Scala: From Zero to Algorithms

Introduction Hi all, In previous post, I have guided you to prepare the environment, install IDE, and write first Hello World Scala application using IntellJ....

Scala: First step to move on!

Hi everyone! Today I am going to help you, especially for developers who use Ubuntu as working OS, get start with Scala: install, create first...

Quảng cáo trên Twitter.

Chắc hẳn nhiều người thường nghe về quảng cáo Twitter nhưng trong các bạn đã có ai đã sử dụng chúng? Chúng ta có thể...

Advanced XSS methods and how to prevent – part 1

“Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of computer security vulnerability typically found in Web applications. XSS enables attackers to inject client-side script into Web pages viewed by other users. A cross-site scripting vulnerability may be...

Jasmine jQuery

We’re doing a lot of jQuery based development, while Jasmine by design tries to stay DOM agnostic. It is not that big problem, as Jasmine...
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